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Download the Upward Basketball and Cheerleading Registration Form from our Online Library.

Forest Park UMC uses the power of sports to share the gospel and promote the discovery of Jesus in our community.
Our mission is to promote the discovery of Jesus through sports.

Upward Sports

Player evaluations will be on Saturday, November 18th from 9 am to 12 pm.
The cost is $85.00 per player. Payment must be made by November 18th.

Upward Basketball Practices will start January 4th and run every Thursday for 8 weeks.

Upward Basketball Games will start on January 6th and run every Saturday for 8 weeks.

Concessions will be offered at both practices and games.
In lieu of an admission fee to games, we will be taking a "free-will donation".
All cancellations will be on hometownstations.com.